Mindfulness & Crystals

Mindfulness practices almost go hand in hand with Crystals, this can  involve incorporating crystals and their unique energies as points of focus or tools in  meditations. 

This can aid to get an even clearer perspective on your thoughts and emotions. 

Each crystal holds its own unique form of energy and properties that may help influence the mental and emotional atmosphere. 

For example-

Clear quartz helps in cleansing and amplifying energy, this in turn helps with the ability to get more clear and focused thoughts of the mind during meditations. 

Another example –

Using blue lace agate, by placing blue lace agate within the room you work or meditate in. 

This is said to bring a more calming environment to your space allowing more natural flow of the mind and emotions during meditation. 

Setting intentions and focusing the energy and properties of the crystal you’re working with can  open up a deeper sense of connection and balance. 

This amplifies your mindfulness / meditation session and sets in roots for your intentions, allowing a more effective experience and bringing more awareness to the present moment. 


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